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For the 6th year running, the Résidence des Collines de Sainte-Féréole has been awarded its Ecolabel, continuing to reconcile tourism and sustainability in the best possible way.

During the last audit in 2022, the report mentioned our desire to go even further than the standard by challenging our digital footprint (in particular with our website redesigned in dark mode).

Our team works on a daily basis to limit its impact on the environment: this includes promoting local products, providing information and raising awareness among our visitors, sharing our equipment with the other sites managed by Brive Tourisme and our desire to repair existing equipment rather than replace it.

Green lights our team

At Les Collines, we make it a point of honour to ensure that the people who join our team are aware of and trained in the environmental values of the Residence. Every year, the SIRTOM trains our teams in waste management and composting.

Sensibilisation tri des déchets par SIRTOM aux Collines de Sainte Féréole

Sustainable tourism: consume less and consume better

It's easy to say, but how do you go about it? At Les Collines, we've had no shortage of ideas for several years now.

For the past 5 years, we have also been working exclusively with eco-labelled cleaning products, whether for disinfecting the lodges or maintaining the swimming pool. This is a mandatory criterion of the Ecolabel and it has enabled us to review our habits while ensuring perfect cleaning.

Since this year, the entire site has been equipped with 100% green electricity thanks to our partner Primeo energie.

Produits d'entretien écolabellisés aux Collines de Sainte Féréole

Committed in all areas

Yes, being eco-responsible doesn't just mean managing waste or recycled products. The social aspect is also very important to us, as part of the Ecolabel. That's why we work with an integration project to provide cleaning services. We have also refurbished 2 PRM ( People with Reduced Mobility ) gîtes , and we want to continue to develop social inclusion within the Residence.

And what about digital technology? Even if it's hard to live without it, here again we try to produce as little CO2 as possible on a daily basis: by regularly deleting emails or managing the storage space on our computers and our various professional clouds... we're doing our bit to reduce our carbon footprint! And we're proud of our latest achievement... our eco-designed website! We're new to the subject, but we want to do even more to reduce our carbon footprint!

Diminution de notre empreinte carbone aux Collines de Sainte Féréole

Raising our tourists' awareness of sustainability

First of all, at Les Collines, we know the difference between raising awareness and insisting. We want to change attitudes, not impose our ideas. That's why we've put a number of tools at your disposal, and we leave it up to you to decide how you want to use them:

  • The HydraO magic shower heads provide a fun indicator of the water consumed during a shower. Are you in the green? That's it, you're going into the red? Oops, you're getting a bit greedy...
  • The shared vegetable garden: next to the giant chess set, we've installed a few herbs and small vegetables to which you have free access, so you can reclaim the pleasure of helping yourself to your own garden...
  • Most of thesummer activities are nature-oriented: hiking, themed escape games in the Residence or archery...
  • The boutique and its products highlighting local know-how: Lou Pé Dé Gril, La Combe de Job, La Banou, Denoix products... and of course the 100% Gaillard boutique!
  • The Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) (League for the Protection of Birds), which will be recognised by us in 2021, allows our customers to enjoy not only the ewes present on site, but also the birds that make their home in Les Collines throughout the seasons...
Hydrao les douches intelligentes proposées aux Collines de Sainte Féréole

The eco-wall

Next to the snack bar, inside our reception hall, you can find all our commitments on the eco-wall. This is where you can find all the documents relating to our environmental commitments: press articles, environmental policy, Ecolabel, etc. We also use this unique space to share with you the eco-gestures to be applied within the Residence. As you will have realised, our eco-wall is not simply decorative, it is above all a generator of ideas and discussions about respect for our environment.

Eco wall Collines de Sainte Féréole

Our downloadable documents