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general terms and conditions of sale

1 - Scope of the terms and conditions of sale

These general terms and conditions automatically govern all sales of holidays made on the www.residencelescollines.com website. They form an integral part of any contract concluded between the residence and its customers.

All customers acknowledge that they have read and understood these terms and conditions before booking a holiday, for themselves and any other person taking part in the holiday.

In accordance with the law in force, these general terms and conditions are made available to all customers for information purposes prior to the conclusion of any contract for the sale of holidays. They may also be obtained on written request sent to the establishment's head office.

2 - Booking conditions

2.1 Prices and payment

The price of the holiday is quoted in euros, including VAT. The customer's attention is drawn to the fact that the tourist tax to be paid on site is not included in the price.

For rental bookings: all rentals are by name only and cannot be transferred. The rental only becomes effective with our agreement and after receipt of the total amount for the stay and the booking fee.

In the event of a delay that has not been notified, the rental will become available 24 hours after the arrival date stated on the booking contract. After this time, and in the absence of a written message, the reservation will be cancelled and the deposit will be retained by the residence management.

The customer signing the contract concluded for a fixed period may under no circumstances claim any right to remain in the property at the end of the stay. The duration of the stay will correspond to that specified in the rental contract.

Given the nature of the property rented, it may not exceed 90 days.

In accordance with articles L.441-6 and D.441-5 of the French Commercial Code, late payment penalties at an annual rate of 12% and a penalty of €40 are payable if payment is not received on the day following the payment date shown on the invoice.

No discount for early payment. Payment of the invoice to SPL Brive Tourisme Agglomération acting as agent on behalf of the Communauté d'Agglomération de Brive, operator of the Résidence Les Collines de Sainte-Féréole.

2.2 Service charges and cleaning

Charges are included in the rental price. Any excess consumption, in particular heating, must be paid by the tenant before leaving the rented premises, as well as the amount of the tourist tax.

Cleaning of the premises is included in the comfort pack (when you book the new gîtes or the Sublimes Collines gîte).

2.3 Booking

The reservation becomes firm when a deposit of 30% of the price of the stay, the booking fee and a copy of the contract signed by the customer have been returned to the Résidence Les Collines within the deadline (i.e. 30 days from the date of dispatch).

The customer must pay Résidence Les Collines the outstanding balance of the agreed service 30 days before the start of the holiday.

For bookings made less than 30 days before the date of arrival, the booking becomes firm on payment in full of the cost of the stay.

Customers who have not paid the balance by the due date are deemed to have cancelled their stay. The service will then be offered for sale again.

The contract is drawn up for maximum accommodation capacity. If the number of participants exceeds the accommodation capacity, the service provider may refuse to accept additional customers, in which case the contract will be deemed to have been terminated by the customer. In this case, the rental price is retained.

2.4 Booking changes and interruption of stay

No reduction will be made for late arrivals or early departures.

In the event of interruption of the holiday by the customer, no refund will be made unless the reason for interruption is covered by the optional cancellation insurance taken out when the booking was made.

2.5 Arrival and departure

The customer must contact the Résidence Les Collines a few days before their arrival to indicate their arrival time.

Unless otherwise stated, the customer must arrive on the day mentioned on the contract, during the opening hours of the reception of the Résidence Les Collines (which vary according to the time of year). In the event of late arrival or last minute cancellation, the customer must inform the Résidence Les Collines directly (whose telephone number appears on the contract) or, failing this, Brive Tourisme.

Any services not used as a result of this delay will not be reimbursed.

Departure must take place before 10.00 am on the day indicated.

2.6 Cancellation

Any booking not paid for in accordance with the general conditions of sale will be cancelled. In the event of cancellation by the customer, the following sums will be reimbursed (with the exception of a non-refundable handling fee of €20). The amount of this compensation will depend on the time at which this cancellation occurs before the start date of the cancelled holiday:

  • cancellation more than 30 days before the start of the holiday: no refund, the deposit of 30% of the cost of the holiday will be retained.
  • cancellation between the 30th and 8th day before the start of the holiday: refund of 50% of the cost of the holiday
  • cancellation less than 8 days in advance: reimbursement of 10% of the price of the holiday
  • in the event of no-shows, no refund will be made.

In the event of cancellation by the Résidence Les Collines, except in circumstances of force majeure, the customer will receive the full amount paid.

2.7 Withdrawal

The legal provisions relating to the right of withdrawal in the event of distance selling as set out in the Consumer Code do not apply to tourist services (article L.121-20-4 of the Consumer Code). Therefore, for any order for a stay with the Residence, the Customer does not benefit from any right of withdrawal.

2.8 Cancellation insurance - holiday civil liability

We advise you to take out cancellation insurance. This contract offers you a cancellation guarantee which enables you to obtain reimbursement of the sums paid in the event of cancellation of your stay or early departure under certain conditions (illness, accident, etc.).

Insurance rates: 3.10% of the price of the holiday (excluding complementary services and non-refundable options).

Customers are responsible for all damage caused by themselves. They are advised to check that their personal insurance covers them for third-party holiday liability. If not, we strongly recommend that you take out such insurance.

A notice summarising the general conditions of the insurance is appended to these GTC. SPL Brive Tourisme Agglomération is insured for its professional civil liability.

3 - Course of the holiday

3.1 Arrivals and Departures

In rental accommodation: arrivals and departures take place on days and at times that may vary depending on the time of year. These times and days are confirmed when you make your reservation. Please check this information with our team before your arrival.

As a general rule, arrivals are from 4pm and departures before 10am in July and August (please contact us for other periods).

Any keys returned or pitches vacated after 10 a.m. will incur an additional night's charge. Any extension to the stay must be notified at least 48 hours before the planned departure date.

3.2 Security deposit

A deposit for all rental accommodation will be requested on the day of your arrival. It will be reimbursed on the day of your departure, during the opening hours of the cash desk, after an inventory of fixtures and fittings.

It is agreed that an inventory of the rented accommodation will be carried out at the beginning and end of your stay.

Any loss or damage will give rise to compensation. The cost of any damage will be added to the price of the stay, as will the cost of cleaning if you do not leave the accommodation in a perfectly clean condition. If you are unable to attend the inventory of fixtures, the deposit will be returned to you by post.

3.3 Pets

The inventory of fixtures provided to the customer specifies whether the accommodation is pet-friendly. In the absence of any mention in this description, the rented accommodation is deemed not to accept animals.

Rentals that accept animals are limited to one animal per accommodation, unless prior request has been made and approved by our team.

In all cases, the owners remain responsible for any damage to the premises. In the event of damage, the customer is entirely responsible and will be invoiced for the cost of any necessary repairs.

Pet owners must ensure that other guests are treated with respect (noise pollution) and that their pets are well behaved.

3.4 House rules

As required by law, you must adhere to our house rules, which have been filed with the prefecture, are displayed in our reception area and a copy will be given to you on request.

4 - Liability and complaints

No complaint concerning the rental accommodation, the description or the inventory of fixtures may be submitted after the 3rd day of occupancy. Please return your evaluation form at the end of your stay. Thank you in advance.

The tourist accommodation company may not be held liable if it can prove that the non-performance or poor performance of the contract is attributable either to the customer or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party not involved in the provision of the services provided for in the contract, or to a case of force majeure.

5 - Personal data

In accordance with the provisions of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to information technology, files and civil liberties, the customer has the right at any time to access, rectify or oppose any personal data concerning him/her collected when placing an order with the tourist accommodation structure.

6- Proof of electronic orders

It is expressly agreed between the parties that in accordance with the provisions of articles 1316 et seq. of the French Civil Code, the information recorded by Brive Tourisme's information systems constitutes proof between the parties. Elements such as the receipt or transmission of data exchanged between the parties, as shown on Brive Tourisme's information systems, will prevail unless written proof to the contrary is provided by the customer. The scope of proof of information delivered by Brive Tourisme's information systems will be identical to that of a written document on paper.

In accordance with the provisions of article L 134-2 of the Consumer Code, Brive Tourisme will archive electronic orders for an amount greater than or equal to €120 for a period of 10 years from the date of delivery. The customer concerned may request access to the documents thus archived by proceeding in accordance with the provisions of article 16 above.

7 - Applicable law

These general terms and conditions are subject to French law and in particular to the provisions of the French Tourism Code and any dispute relating to their application falls within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal de Grande Instance or the Tribunal de Commerce of Brive La Gaillarde.

All documents and information exchanged between the customer and the tourist accommodation are in French.

SPL Brive Tourisme Agglomération, SPL with capital of €290,800, 34 bis avenue Alsace Lorraine-Immeuble le 126- Hub de talents / 19100 Brive-la-Gaillarde / Tel. 05 55 24 08 80 - service.accueil@brive-tourisme.com. N° siret : 799 890 919 00029 - Code APE : 9104Z - N° tva intracom : FR 67798 890 919 - N° d'immatriculation au registre des opérateurs de voyages et de séjours : IM 019 140 001- Membre auprès de l'organisme de garantie collective : l'ASPT RCP : Dufaud Courtage/232, rue Jean-Baptiste Charcot/92400 Courbevoie/contrat : 6 9820 290 804 www.brive-tourisme.com.